The World of Ornament
Discover a World of decorative ideas with this compendium of history´s most elegant patterns and ornamental designs.
The World of Ornament brings togehther the two greatest encyclopedic collections of ornament of the 19th century:
Auguste Racinet´s L´Ornement polychrome (1869 - 1888) and
Auguste Dupont-Alberville´s L´Ornement des tissus (1877) to provide one lavish source book spanning jewelery, tile, stained glass, illuminated manuscript, textile and ceramic ornament.
Encompassing classical, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Etruscan, Asian and middle-Eastern, as well as European designs from medieval times through to the 19th century, this compilation of cultures and esthetics offers a primary reference for artists, historians, designers and patternmakers, and anyone engagaed in decorative design and impact.
Der Herausgeber
Titel: The World of Ornament
Artikel Nr.: 08416
Seiten: 826 Seiten
Cover: Hardcover
Format: 15 cm x 20 cm
Sprache: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch
ISBN: 978-3-8365-5625-5